Microsoft to Introduce Linux’s ‘sudo’ Command to Windows Server

Microsoft announces plans to incorporate the Linux ‘sudo’ command into Windows Server 2025, providing administrators with a new method to elevate privileges for console applications. This move marks a significant integration of Linux functionality into the Windows environment, offering enhanced flexibility and security for system administrators.

The ‘sudo’ command, commonly used in Linux environments, enables users to execute commands with elevated privileges, typically as root. This feature enhances security by allowing normal operations to be conducted under low-privileged accounts while granting users the ability to elevate privileges as necessary for specific commands.

Following the release of the Windows Server 2025 Insider preview build, a leaked version reveals the inclusion of new features, including settings for a Windows ‘sudo’ command. Although still in the early stages of development, these settings offer insights into how the command will function.

The Windows ‘sudo’ command settings allow users to run applications in various modes, such as ‘In a new window’, ‘With input disabled’, and ‘Inline’. This versatility mirrors the functionality of the ‘sudo’ command in Linux, enabling seamless elevation of privileges for specific tasks.

While the ‘sudo’ command has not yet appeared in Windows 11, Microsoft’s integration of Linux features into Windows Server 2025 hints at potential future implementations. As Microsoft continues to explore cross-platform functionality, the addition of ‘sudo’ to Windows Server could pave the way for its adoption in other Windows environments.

The introduction of the Linux ‘sudo’ command to Windows Server signifies Microsoft’s commitment to enhancing administrative capabilities and interoperability across operating systems. As development progresses, the integration of ‘sudo’ promises to streamline administrative tasks and bolster security measures within the Windows ecosystem.

Source: Adapted from BleepingComputer.

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